Get Involved

We invite you to join the Family Bridges family. You can help us help others, attend our many fun events, or take advantage of the services we offer. However you get involved, our community grows in strength!


Why do Family Bridges volunteers feel like they’re the most special people in the world? Because they are! As our volunteer, we make sure you know that nothing can outshine your gift of time, energy, compassion, and expertise.

If you are fluent in an Asian language, we need your skills most of all.

Would you like to support Family Bridges and be paid? Visit our Jobs page

Ready to make a difference?
First, find out how your interests match our needs. Contact our Volunteer Coordinator.

Click here to download, print, and complete the Family Bridges Volunteer Application: Volunteer Application Form

Then either:

  • Scan and e-mail the completed form (as an attachment) to [email protected] — or
  • Fax it to “Attention: Volunteer Coordinator” at (510) 839-2435 — or
  • Mail or deliver it to our main administrative office at 168 11th Street, Oakland, CA  94607

Volunteer Activities

Your potential volunteer opportunities are as wide ranging as the many services we deliver. For example:

Help publicize or produce events such as our annual benefit concert or our Annual Dinner.


Contribute writing, design, phone time, and more to specific marketing campaigns.

Teach citizenship classes, conduct mock interviews, provide general information and referrals, and more.

Help the houseless in Oakland Chinatown and the surrounding area secure and maintain stable housing.