Check out our March newsletter for the first quarter update!

Thanks for your support in the 2024. Let’s look back on our 2024 accomplishments!
A Heartwarming Holiday Senior Luncheon for Our Seniors at Family Bridges

Courtesy of Sing Tao Daily.
Grateful for Your Holiday Generosity
Thank you to all our donors who supported our Holiday Senior Luncheon this year!

Family Bridges Welcomes Johnny O’Brien as Our New CEO

Share the Joy with Every Toy!
Join KTSF26 and Family Bridges to make a child’s holiday brighter. Please donate new, unwrapped toys to share warmth of the holiday season! Community.

Care and Connection—Hong Fook Center is Committed to Uplifting Our Asian Senior Community.
We’re thrilled to announce that our Hong Fook CBAS Centers’ dedication to caring for Asian seniors has been spotlighted by AP News! 98943152ebfc62dd898262d93ca32e6f
-Courtesy of AP News
Welcomes Monica Lau as Our Interim CEO!

Farewell to Corinne!

New CEO Search.

Announcement of Our Interim CEO.

56th Annual Fundraising Gala was successfully held on June 29, 2024.

Important announcement about our CEO.

Lake Merritt Child Care Center celebrated Asian Heritage Month with Cricket!

2024 Mirror Feel the Passion Concert was successfully held on Apr 5, 2024.

Courtesy of Sing Tao Daily.
Thanks for your support in the 2023. Let’s look back on our 2023 accomplishments!

On December 9, 2023, we hosted a festive sit-down holiday senior luncheon after a long hiatus due to the pandemic. Our event was filled with joy and laughter as the seniors enjoyed a visit from Santa Michael Fong and Darien Louie, dance performances from the International Ladies Charity Federation, and a beautiful singing performance by Dr. Justin Tin. We also distributed gift bags, meals, and raffle prizes to our seniors to make this holiday season extra special. It was a happy event that left everyone with a smile on their face and a warm feeling in their heart.

Family Bridges Charity Queens visited our Lake Merritt Child Care Center.
Along with our Charity Queens, the members of the International Ladies Charity Federation visited our Lake Merritt Child Care Center, giving joy and gifts to the kids.

On Wednesday, October 11th around 8 a.m., a terrifying fire broke out at Family Bridges’ Hong Lok Senior Center located on 7th street in Oakland’s Chinatown.
Within minutes the fire catapulted into the interior of the building and destroyed all the fixtures that made our senior center operational and welcoming. The center is no longer habitable and our seniors have been displaced.
Over 200 seniors are members of our Hong Lok Senior Center which has been operating for over 20 years providing socialization, recreation, workshops and a place for our seniors to gather with their community.
After a 9-year location hiatus where Hong Lok was operating elsewhere, we finally opened our doors on October 4 and our seniors were welcomed back to their original home. But this joyful homecoming was devastatingly short-lived.
The fire has destroyed a historical city site, and the essential older adult programming that has occurred within the walls of that building is now in jeopardy.
Family Bridges is seeking donations to help us rebuild our operations and to cover the cost to relocate.
Our seniors deserve a rapid recovery. We need help to rebuild the site, but more importantly to rebuild hope.
Your donation in any amount is very much appreciated and will help seniors have a place to enjoy.
Please see KTSF’s news item, in Chinese, at:
【灣區新聞】家橋驛社奧克蘭長者活動中心發生火警 沒人受傷 –
-By courtesy of KTSF 26

Congrats to students of the Lake Merritt Child Care Center graduated on June 17, 2023


Special thanks to the donors who made monetary and in-kind donations to us
Please click here for the list.
For more photos of the event, please visit our Facebook page.



Family Bridges is pleased to benefit from KTSF’s Toy Drive. From now till December 21st, KTSF encourages you to donate brand new toys directly to our Lake Merritt Child Care Center (250 12th Street in Oakland between 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Please make the holidays a bit happier for children in need. For details in Chinese, you may visit

加州醫療白咭(Medi-Cal) 及糧食券(CalFresh) 的申請
由於去年新冠疫情爆發後,影響了全球的經濟,美國社會亦因此大增各種福利的需求。但許多政府部門暫不對外開放及工作人員因為疫情而需要在家工作,拖長了福利申請或續期審核的時間,影響不少市民生計,令低收入人士生活雪上加霜。家橋驛社現已開始利用網上直接申請或續期加州醫療白咭及糧食券,減省以往需要大量的時間處理申請者遞交的表格及縮短等候時間。詳情及預約請致電家橋驛社 510-239-3884 留下姓名及回覆電話,家橋驛社職員會盡快回覆並會預約時間提供服務。
Application for Medi-Cal and CalFresh
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy has suffered. Because of this, the need for government benefits has increased tremendously. And due to the lockdown and restrictions of indoor activities, many government employees must work from home. This has led to longer processing times of applications and the recertification of many benefits. Unfortunately, many low-income people are struggling more. Family Bridges, Inc. is now providing assistance to those who need to apply for or recertify their Medi-Cal and CalFresh benefits. We can submit applications online and this reduces the waiting time for approvals.
For information and to make an appointment, please call Family Bridges, Inc. at 510-239-3884 and leave your name and phone number. Our staff will return your call as soon as possible.
San Jose Sharks Foundation Funding
Family Bridges is pleased to announce that the San Jose Sharks Foundation, through its “Goals for Kids” Program, will provide important funding to support the work we do to serve the community.
We will use this funding to help low-income Asian American families in the East Bay. Specifically, young children will receive scholarships and tuition assistance so that they can attend preschool while their parents look for work or attend school. In addition, the family will receive case management, interpretation/translation services, and information and referrals to address their basic needs, such as health care, affordable housing, food assistance.
Family Bridges is one of seven organizations awarded this season.

Our Community Ambassador Program is Officially Launched!
The press conference was held on July 29th to introduce the program and our ambassadors to the community.

To know more about our community ambassador program, click here.
Lake Merritt Child Care Center: 250 12th Street Opening
On July 6, 2021, the Lake Merritt Child Care Center officially opened its new location at 250 12th Street in Oakland.
Our gleaming new facility is 7500 sq. feet with spacious classrooms, a fun-filled new playground, a secure parking lot, and a driveway for safe drop-off and pick-up. Our students and parents love our new location and we’ve received many compliments already.
In addition to a new location, we offer innovative teaching programs designed to prepare the students’ school readiness. Our temporary hours of operation are 8:00 am to 5:30 pm. All teachers and staff are fully vaccinated. However, we still require face coverings for all adults in school settings. For children over the age of 2, we are highly recommending the use of face coverings.
For more information and to schedule a tour, please call 510-834-3399.
Contributed by Elaine Tam

Oakland Resilient Families
Oakland Resilient Families, one of the largest guaranteed income pilots in the country, is now accepting applications for its East Oakland group. The pilot includes two phases. Phase 1 is for 300 families in the area bound between Havenscourt Blvd to 94th Avenue and between International Blvd and MacArthur Blvd.
Families can apply until 5 p.m. on June 30 via an online application. If there are more than 300 applications, a randomized lottery will be used to select the final 300 starting July 1st. Selected families will be notified by email in mid-July.
In order to qualify, the family must have at least one child under 18 and income is below 50% of the area median; about $61,000 annually for a family of 3. Priority is given in the following order – Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities.
Phase 2 will be coming later this summer and will be open to qualified families citywide.
For more information, click here
北由Harvenscourt Blvd起
南至94th Avenue止
西由International Blvd起
東至MacArthur Blvd止
- 家庭成員必須有一位或以上成員是年龄在18歲以下的孩童。
- 家庭收入在平均中位數的一半以下,以一家3人家庭計;收入平均中位數是$61,000一半以下即收入不超過$30,500。
- 按族裔優先是黒人,其次為印第安族裔,再其次為有色人種。

Family Bridges 50th Anniversary Celebration Press Conference 4.18.18
Village Health & Wellness Connection Program Press Conference
San Jose Mercury News & Oakland Tribune – “Preparing for a silver tsunami”
California Health Line – “Housing Project Takes on Seniors’ Health”